Special Education Law: Laws That You Need To Be Aware Of
When you desire to make teaching special needs children your career then you need to undergo a Special Needs Teacher Training course. Isn’t it? But what is more important is to treat these children equally like normal children.
Hence, after coming out of a teacher training institute, you should be conscious of certain laws and guidelines towards special needs children. Further, you must possess adequate knowledge of these laws other than the educational procedures or teaching methods.
We have selected 4 such laws of utmost importance along with their details regarding special education. They are as discussed below:
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Currently regarded as the Individual with Disabilities Act (Formerly known as the All-Handicapped Children Act) or simply IDEA, the act debuted in 1990 with the main focus on the fact that every youngster having any sort of disability must receive education appropriately and publicly.
According to this law, disabled children are entitled to receive some special assistance other than those being provided already. Here, these children can openly participate in all types of activities just like normal children.
An effective online teacher training course will offer you adequate knowledge about this act so that you can ensure that the children you teach will not be kept underprivileged.
Individual Education Programmes
It is like an extension of the earlier regulation IDEA. As per IDEA, both the teachers and parents need to adopt the educational demands of special needs children through Individual Education Programme or IEP.
Being well-versed with special education teacher training a teacher must identify the nature and personality of a child and his/her necessities towards education. By doing so a proper programme can be developed. Moreover, the teacher possessing professional training should figure out whether the kid is fitting for undergoing any programme.
It is entirely the responsibility of the teacher alongside the parents to develop education strategies for children and encourage them to learn in an efficient way.
Education for All Handicapped Children Act
In 1975, the US Congress established this law which became the primary law that concentrated completely on special education or the children getting special education. Children suffering from both mental and physical disabilities are classified under this law.
According to the law, private schools, on the other hand, are destined to take special needs children as their students and offer identical education to them as others perusing there. Additionally, this law also stated that any school receiving federal funds must arrange a free meal every day for their students.
No Child Left Behind
This was another law brought into action by the US Congress in 2001. Its main objective was to reorganize the present Elementary and Secondary Education Act. According to this law, all the schools across the country needs to make a routine assessment procedure to analyse the skills of their learners.
Under the regulation of this law, adequate incentives are offered to the schools so that special needs pupils can be taken under that. Also, these incentives help the schools to arrange for any extra requirements to fulfil the social, emotional or academic needs.
These are the four basic and most vital laws that you should have knowledge about if you are a special needs teacher. The more you get trained, the more you get to know about these.